Columbia University and Taiwan AI Labs sign MOU to accelerate AI application for sustainable development

台灣AI聯盟國際發光 杜奕瑾領Taiwan AI Labs與哥大簽署MOU 加速國際AI永續發展

January 4th, 2020Taipei, Taiwan – Responding to the UN’s “2030 Sustainable Development Goals,” Taiwan AI Labs and the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) at Columbia University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) focusing on key collaborations in artificial intelligence (AI) and data governance. The move aims at enhancing academic cooperation and developing human-centered AI solutions to achieve the global sustainable development goals.

Yanis Ben Amor ,Executive Director of the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) at Columbia University, has over 20 years of research experience in infectious diseases, mainly tuberculosis, HIV and now COVID-19. Dr. Ben Amor has created several Digital Health tools, particularly for tuberculosis patients to facilitate their adherence, for HIV positive mothers to help them prevent vertical transmission of the virus, for malaria control programs to monitor use of resources for an effective control strategy, and more recently, for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan to provide health information and healthcare access. He has shown great importance in promoting sustainable development policies and solutions worldwide.

In the post-pandemic era, international societies build social resilience through AI-powered solutions for frontline disease detection, medical treatment, finance, tourism, and other daily life scenarios. The resilience of the global industries, on the other hand, is catching up to meet the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”’ by 2030. Cross-domain alliance has become a crucial part of the plan to foster technical innovations and to enhance global collaborations.

To bring Taiwan’s AI momentum to the world, Ethan Tu, the founder of Taiwan AI Labs, led the team to sign an MOU with the Center for Sustainable Development of Columbia University. The two parties will focus on developing AI solutions by leveraging Taiwan’s unique strengths, including 1) a streamlined COVID testing process for the hospitals and the airports; 2) cybersecurity and epistemic safety at misinformation understanding; 3) data governance and blockchain studies at Taiwan Federated Learning Alliance (TAIFA).

“Resilience is the new metric to follow in the post-COVID time. In Taiwan, it comes along with three major trends: zero-contact, net-zero emissions, and trustworthy algorithms at zero-trust cyberspace,” said Ethan Tu, founder of Taiwan AI Labs. The technologies are developed with AI-powered advanced networks, new energy, metaverse, precision healthcare, and digital literacy. We look forward to working with CSD and expanding international cooperation in the field of AI.”

In 2015, the United Nations announced the “2030 Sustainable Development Goals,” which cover issues like human equality and climate change, committing to lead and build a sustainable environment. The MOU signing highlights Taiwan’s strength in developing AI-powered solutions to tackle and support a wide range of problems.

Happy to collaborate with Taiwan AI Labs, Dr. Yanis Ben Amor responded: “the design and development of innovative solutions for addressing the challenges of sustainable development is part of the Center’s DNA. The addition of all the potential that Artificial Intelligence can bring will allow us to imagine exciting new tools and solutions to accelerate progress and help us reach the Goals by 2030. Taiwan AI Labs will be a formidable partner in this journey!”

“It’s been our pleasure to work with CSD and promote the SDGs with Taiwan’s AI soft power,” said Jason Hsu, Chief Initiative Office of the Taiwan AI Labs. “Moving forward, we use AI and machine learning technologies to create a smarter, more accurate COVID screening system. Together, we will grow into a bigger and stronger alliance and develop an AI sustainable applications blueprint.

2022 1 20日,Taipei, Taiwan –呼籲聯合國(UN)「2030永續發展目標」,台灣人工智慧實驗室(Taiwan AI Labs)於今(2021)年11月與美國哥倫比亞大學永續發展中心(Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University) 針對人工智慧、人機學習、區塊鏈等重點項目簽署交流合作備忘錄(MOU),深化雙邊學術與技術合作。

哥大永續發展中心執行長Jeffere Sachs是聯合國永續發展項目高級顧問,在聯合國推動永續發展合作政策擁有重要地位,未來將偕同哥大永續發展中心執行主任Yanis Ben Amor與Taiwan AI Labs加速應用討論,打造以人為本的疫後韌性。


輸出台技術人才能量  AI外交建構社會韌性


後疫情時代,國際加速導入AI建設社會韌性,包含第一線受到疫情影響的疾病檢測、醫療、金融、觀光等日常生活場域流程;產業韌性方面,則有聯合國宣示「2030永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)在即,跨域聯盟以提升資源、技術知識成達標關鍵一環。


為鏈結台灣AI動能與世界接軌,Taiwan AI Labs創辦人杜奕瑾領軍團隊,與美國學術權威哥倫比亞大學永續發展中心簽署交流合作備忘錄。雙方將以人工智慧、人機學習為重點展開合作,首先開發AI創新技術應用於醫院、機場入境檢疫站等場域;資訊認知安全、可信任AI、區塊鏈議題也名列合作議程,期以營造平等而安全的疫後新日常,而也是台灣首次以AI產業優勢參與國際永續發展組織。


台灣人工智慧實驗室創辦人杜奕瑾指出:「當前國際社會如何透過AI科技建構韌性已成首要議題,而台灣建構疫後韌性的三零元素:零接觸、零碳排、零信任,延伸出的技術包含先進網路、新能源移動技術、元宇宙、精準運動健康、文化科技、數位素養與認知安全等科技。Taiwan AI Labs很榮幸能與哥倫比亞大學永續發展中心建立合作關係,將台灣豐沛的AI技術能量向外推,打造符合聯合國永續發展目標的AI創新應用,加速構築國際社會疫後韌性。」


開創國際盟友合作  打造永續發展體質


聯合國於2015年宣布了「2030永續發展目標」,內容包含人類平權、氣候變遷等議題,引領全球共創永續發展的環境。與Taiwan AI Labs簽約的哥倫比亞大學永續發展中心由執行長Jeffere D. Sachs及執行主任Yanis Ben Amor領首,集結多元領域產官研界專家代表,促進技術開發與政策推廣。


Jefferey D Sachs是世界著名經濟學家,曾於聯合國擔任千禧年發展計畫(Millennium Project)、永續發展網站(Sustainable Development Solutions Network, SDSN))負責人及高級顧問;由他創立的哥大永續發展中心致力提供符合SDGs的創新解決方案Yanis Ben Amor博士是公衛領域的權威,在疾病的傳播及檢測深耕超過20年在結核病及愛滋病到現在的COVID-19都有卓越的研究成果。此次MOU簽署合作突顯台灣AI軟實力受到國際重視,與國際結盟合作勢必成為。


樂見與Taiwan AI Labs建立合作關係,哥倫比亞大學永續發展中心執行主任Yanis Ben Amor回應:「持續設計及發展創新的解決方案來面對永續發展領域的種種挑戰,是我們哥大永續發展中心的中心思想之一,隨著人工智慧的強援加入,我們興奮地期待在永續發展的進程上能跨進一大步,並對於達成2030的目標有極大的助益。台灣人工智慧實驗室將會是我們最可靠強力的夥伴。」

台灣人工智慧實驗室倡議長許毓仁則表示:「Taiwan AI Labs 很高興能與哥倫比亞大學永續發展中心合作,由台灣的AI軟實力結合哥大的學術地位共同推動聯合國永續發展指標 (SDGs),這是一項很有意義的合作。未來我們會使用AI和人機學習科技,對肺炎病毒與擴散路徑做更精準的檢測與預測,加深學術研究深度及應用廣度之餘,與哥大共構AI永續應用藍圖。




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