“Taiwan AI Federated Learning Alliance” encourages AI advancement while protecting privacy rights

January 29th, 2021, Taipei, Taiwan – The Taiwan AI Federated Learning Alliance launched today was created to encourage AI advancement while protecting privacy rights. Taiwan’s achievements in the deployment of technology for epidemic prevention and in federated learning have attracted global attention. The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), an international organization established by OECD nations, has invited Taiwan AI Labs to its annual conference to address topics including responsible AI, pandemic response, data governance, and to discuss how OECD nations should go about data collection while complying with user privacy rights.
At the GPAI conference, Taiwanese representatives proposed “Taiwan Federated Learning” to protect privacy rights while accelerating the development of industrial applications of artificial intelligence, which became the future goal of GPAI. Today, the founding of the Taiwan AI Federated Learning Alliance connects industries to work on federated learning, driving innovations in medicine, transportation, manufacturing, art, finance, as well as cross-sector applications, talent education, and international cooperation. Industry, government, and academic sectors join hands to invest in research and development of federated learning technology, creating a conducive environment, establishing international and highly reliable data governance and services, and operating mechanisms and standards. The alliance may also put forth policy suggestions, in line with the Taiwanese government, promoting core strategic industrial growth.
President of the Taiwan AI Federated Alliance and Founder of Taiwan AI Labs Ethan Tu stated that the development of trusted AI in Taiwan that respects privacy rights has attracted attention in OECD countries. The invitation of Taiwan AI Labs to participate in GPAI has been met with warmth. With this spirit of collaboration applied to federated learning training, verification, deployment, the next step will be to achieve comprehensive AI applications and field certifications, creating a traceable, understandable, verifiable, and trustworthy AI module.
The Taiwan AI Federated Learning Alliance represents an opportunity for Taiwan’s industries to demonstrate their soft power internationally. The industries will collectively define a problem, gather information, conduct training of an AI model, and proceed with its production and commercialization, constructing an internationally trusted AI solution. The industries’ investments will foster talent, technology, capital, regulation, and result in quality federated learning services, shaping an environment conducive to further innovation.
Media contact:
Daphne Lan / 0972-852591 / pr@ailabs.tw
Celia Jhuang / 0912-275068 / yaya@mail.tca.org.tw
2021年 1月 29日,Taipei, Taiwan – 台灣聯合學習產業大聯盟(Taiwan AI Federated Learning Alliance,縮寫定為TAIFA)今日由聯盟發起人國家發展委員主委龔明鑫,共同發起人科技部部長吳政忠、交通部部長林佳龍、衛福部部長陳時中、經濟部部長王美花、文化部部長李永得,專家顧問團台灣大學前校長楊泮池、台灣Google前董事總經理簡立峰、工研院總營運長余孝先、資策會執行長卓政宏、成功大學校長蘇慧貞,以及聯盟會長台灣人工智慧實驗室創辦人杜奕瑾宣佈共同啟動,同時廣邀各產業指標性機構與企業加入會員。
台灣在科技防疫與聯合學習的成果,吸引全球矚目。由OECD國家所倡議成立的國際組織Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence(GPAI),邀請台灣人工智慧實驗室在年度會議上,針對Responsible AI、Pandemic Response、Data governance等議題、OECD國家對於資料收集如何符合隱私人權等,參與跨國對話討論。台灣代表在GPAI倡議「台灣聯合學習」,保障人權隱私同時加速人工智慧產業應用發展,成為GPAI未來焦點項目。今日台灣成立「台灣聯合學習產業大聯盟」,以產業串連聯合學習方式,帶動醫療、交通、製造、城鄉、文創、金融等創新、建立跨域整合應用、人才培育及國際合作,攜手產官學研各界共同投入聯合學習技術研發,提供優質場域與發展環境,建立國際級可信任之資料治理與服務、建立運作機制與規範,並塑造產業政策建言,與政府共同推動核心戰略產業發展。
Taiwan AI Labs新聞聯絡請洽:pr@ailabs.tw