2024 Taiwan Presidential Election Information Manipulation AI Observation Report


Executive Summary

During the tumultuous period surrounding Taiwan’s presidential election, an extensive research endeavor unveiled a nuanced landscape of digital manipulation and misinformation. At the heart of this investigation lay the pervasive influence of generative technology, which emerged as a potent tool for shaping the informational battleground. Textual misinformation, propelled by the capabilities of generative algorithms, assumed a central role, challenging traditional debunking methodologies and rendering them less effective in the face of evolving manipulation tactics. This shift underscored the pressing need to adapt information verification strategies to contend with the sophisticated mechanisms employed in modern disinformation campaigns.

Amidst the cacophony of digital discourse, a select cadre of troll groups emerged as influential arbiters of media framing, transcending mere mischief to exert substantial sway over public opinion. Contrary to initial assumptions, these groups were revealed to be non-native to Taiwan, operating with remarkable agility across linguistic and cultural boundaries. Their strategic maneuvers, characterized by narrative manipulation and geopolitical intrigue, underscored the transnational nature of contemporary information warfare and its implications for democratic processes. As the election approached, their influence surged, casting a pervasive shadow over the democratic landscape and underscoring the need for heightened vigilance against external interference.

Furthermore, collaborative efforts between mainstream entities and official media channels served to amplify the reach and impact of manipulated narratives. The alignment of these groups with state-supported agendas, particularly evident on Chinese-owned social media platforms, underscored the symbiotic relationship between information manipulation and political influence. Within this complex ecosystem, the emergence of short videos as a prevalent medium for cognitive manipulation added another layer of complexity, blurring the lines between fact and fiction in the digital realm. Thus, within the context of Taiwan’s presidential election, the convergence of technological innovation, geopolitical maneuvering, and media manipulation underscored the multifaceted challenges confronting modern democracies in safeguarding the integrity of public discourse.


In 2024, many countries held elections, and Taiwan emerged as a benchmark for the impact of foreign information operations worldwide. As the first democratic country to conduct elections in 2024 and the pioneer in using AI technology to observe information manipulation during the election. Taiwan AI Labs hopes to share Taiwan’s experiences and lessons in dealing with information manipulation, along with the threats of generative AI, with other democratic nations.

Taiwan AI Labs, by observing and analyzing the coordinated behavior of troll accounts on social media platforms, identifies these accounts and groups them into troll groups. Utilizing large language models and AI, we developed the Infodemic platform to not only reveal the activities of these troll groups but also to delve deeper into the abnormal behaviors behind these accounts.

During this presidential election period, Taiwan AI Labs conducts weekly analyses of online anomalies using the Infodemic platform, inviting scholars and experts to discuss and share insights derived from our analyses. This report compiles the key findings from our organized data.

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