Press Room
AI "Mentor" Helps Nurses Clock Out on Time, Garnering a 90% Satisfaction Rate: Taiwan AI Labs and Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital Showcase Breakthroughs at 2024 Healthcare+ Expo
December 6, 2024 — The 2024 Healthcare+ Expo, Asia Pacific’s premier AI healthcare event, highlights the collaboration between Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital and Taiwan AI Labs, unveiling three cutting-edge innovations: the FedGPT-powered system…
Tri-Service General Hospital and Taiwan AI Labs co-create AI Hospital
Tri-Service General Hospital and Taiwan AI Labs signed a letter of intent announcing their intent to collaborate in co-creating an AI Hospital that deploys AI for clinical usage. Tri-Service General Hospital will provide medical data and healthcare professionals, who will collaborate with Taiwan AI Labs’ professionals to develop AI technology that enables increasingly accurate and efficient medical services.
「台灣聯合學習醫療聯盟」今日於台灣人工智慧實驗室 (Taiwan AI Labs) 由陳建仁前副總統、國發會高仙桂副主委、科技部林敏聰次長、疫情指揮中心張上淳召集人、食藥署李明鑫主秘、臺大楊泮池前校長、臺大醫院吳明賢院長、北醫附醫陳瑞杰院長、北榮陳適安副院長、三總王智弘院長、台北慈濟醫院鄭敬楓副院長、中國醫藥大學附設醫院許凱程主任等多家醫學中心代表與計畫主持人,以及Taiwan AI Labs創辦人杜奕瑾共同宣佈啟動。
抗疫即戰力!Taiwan AI Labs老藥新用模擬資料庫躍上國際期刊
台灣人工智慧實驗室與中研院、臺灣大學、陽明大學等國內學研單位COVID-19合作平台,在科技部支持下,從「老藥新用」角度著手,投入在較可能有效用之化合物上,加速研究進度。DockCoV2目前已累積兩萬多筆模擬結果,並於2020年10月刊登於Google Scholar生物化學研究領域排名第一的期刊《核酸研究 (Nucleic Acids Research)》。